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Hi, my name is Jeanne Gregory.

I was made redundant last year after 13 years as a Health Improvement Advisor and trainer. I have a had long and interesting career mainly in health and health related jobs. And I have had a keen interest in complementary therapies for many years. Along with delivering stress management workshops for 13 years. I have also been practicing and studying Ngalso Tantric Self-Healing with TYS Lama Gangchen Rinpoche and Lama Caroline Dorje Kanye Lhamo for over 20 years. It is a meditation method to relax, body, speech and mind. Through this I have learnt many breathing techniques, which are also very helpful for easing pain and stress.

I was looking for a change in career and came across the Ikigai diagram. And thought I should find something which fits in with these circles. I have two friends who have been SCENAR therapists for many years and have often had treatments with SCENARs, which have helped me immensely with my arthritis pain. So, I decided to become a SCENAR therapist. This fits in well with the Ikigai concept.

I have become passionate about learning more about SCENAR. I love giving treatments and am becoming good at it, the world needs less pain, and needs to use less pain killers. We need to support the body to begin to heal itself. I can be paid for it (which is not my main motivation) and it is going to become my new profession and vocation, I have developed a passion to keep on learning more about it. So, all the circles are in harmony.

Having bought all the equipment needed, I have been training with SCENAR World and have completed levels 1 and 2 and attend regular professional master classes.. I have spent the last year studying and researching SCENAR therapy and giving treatments to friends, colleagues and family. I have been quite amazed at the effectiveness of SCENAR with painful joints, backs and headaches. I also hold the qualifications below and I look forward to using the many skills that I have learned to help you with any pain and/or stress related issues.


  • Level 1 and 2 SCENAR Therapy, regular professional update training  

  • SEN General Nurse with 13 years as a Health Improvement Advisor and Trainer
    5 years Orthopaedic Nursing

  • Stress Management Diploma

  • First Aid Certificate

  • Reflexology Certificate

  • Aromatherapy Certificate

  • Full enhanced DBS

  • Parent Advisor and Family Partnership Facilitator training

  • Cognitive Behaviour and Change and Management Certificates

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